After extensive outreach, the Metropolitan Council has adopted an updated Code of Conduct that outlines expected behaviors on transit and will be prominently displayed on vehicles and at stations.
The Code of Conduct will be posted by February 2024, along with new signage reminding riders about Text For Safety, which can be used to report non-emergency concerns that need to be addressed. The Code of Conduct applies to Metro Transit and other transit services operated by the Met Council, including Metro Mobility.
“Having a well-communicated and consistently applied Code of Conduct is central to setting and upholding clear expectations around acceptable behaviors on transit, a shared space that all riders have a responsibility to treat with respect,” General Manager Lesley Kandaras said.
Metro Transit has long had a Code of Conduct, but this is the first time the Met Council has been asked to adopt the rules.
Council adoption was called for in state legislation approved during the 2023 session, when lawmakers passed several provisions related to improving the rider experience and a new metro-area sales tax for transit operations and maintenance.
The Code of Conduct reminds riders of requirements like having a paid fare and using no more than one seat, and prohibited behaviors like eating on transit, harassment, and playing music or phone calls through a speaker.
Riders who are engaged in prohibited behaviors will be asked to correct their behavior. If they refuse to do so, they’ll be asked to exit the vehicle or leave a station. Police may take action against those who refuse to leave.
To help enforce the Code of Conduct, the Met Council on Wednesday also approved an expanded contract with Allied Universal, which is providing supplemental security services at several locations. Allied Universal employees will be trained to serve as Transit Rider Investment Program (TRIP) Agents and begin working on transit in early 2024.
TRIP Agents will remind riders about the Code of Conduct, provide transit information, and respond when people are experiencing things like mental health crises. They will also inspect fares and issue administrative citations for fare non-payment.
Community Service Officers (CSOs) began inspecting fares and issuing administrative citations on Monday, Dec. 4. Through Monday, Dec. 11, Community Service Officers had inspected 1,989 fares and issued 193 citations.
Other efforts that are moving forward as part of Metro Transit’s commitment to improving public safety on transit include:
- Recruiting police officers to proactively address illegal behaviors and other serious public safety issues.
- Renewing and expanding partnerships with other law enforcement agencies, including the St. Paul, University of Minnesota, Bloomington, Minneapolis and Airport police departments.
- Launching a Pathway Program that will put individuals on a track to becoming CSOs, earning college credit at no cost.
- Completing a study of design changes that could make light rail stations feel safer, including the potential enclosure of stations.
- Hiring more cleaners and public facility workers to help clean and maintain vehicles and boarding areas.
The Transit Service Intervention Project (TSIP) is also now underway. Through TSIP, Metro Transit has contracted with 10 community-based organizations whose representatives are best-equipped to address issues like unsheltered homelessness and substance abuse disorders.
Riders invited to meet leadership, provide feedback
Join Met Council Chair Charlie Zelle, Metro Transit General Manager Lesley Kandaras, Metro Transit Police Chief Ernest Morales III, and other key leaders at stations and aboard the METRO Blue and Green lines on their first Listening Sessions Tour.
Tour Schedule*
- Tuesday, Jan. 9
⇢ 1:30 – 2:15 p.m. Mall of America Station
⇢ 3 – 3:30 p.m. Lake Street / Midtown Station
⇢ 3:30 – 4 p.m. eastbound Blue Line
Wednesday, Jan. 10
⇢ 7:15 – 7:45 a.m. Warehouse District / Hennepin Avenue Station
⇢ 8 – 8:30 a.m. Snelling Avenue Station
⇢ 9 – 10:15 a.m. Union Depot Station
⇢ 10:15 – 10:45 a.m. Robert Street Station
⇢ 11 – 11:30 a.m. Snelling Avenue Station
⇢ Noon – 1:30 p.m. Union Depot Station
Thursday, Jan. 11:
⇢ 11 – 11:30 a.m. Franklin Avenue Station
⇢ 11:35 a.m. – noon Lake Street / Midtown Station
⇢ Noon – 12:30 p.m. 46th Street Station
Friday, Jan. 12:
⇢ 7 – 7:30 a.m. westbound Green Line
⇢ 7:30 – 8 a.m. eastbound Green Line
⇢ 8 – 8:30 a.m. Union Depot Station
*Times are approximate and subject to change. The schedule will be kept up to date here.
Won’t be able to attend? Send your feedback any time by emailing [email protected] or by calling 612-373-3333.