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Metro Transit FORWARD wordmark

Metro Transit Forward describes our vision and mission, strategic priorities, and the ways we’ll measure our success moving forward.  

Vision and mission 

We connect people, strengthen communities, and improve lives by delivering high-quality public transportation.  

Strategic Priorities  

  • Employees: We value employees and continuously improve how we attract, retain, develop, and support our workforce.
  • Experience: We provide a consistently safe, clean, and welcoming experience on our system.  
  • Service: We offer service that is convenient, reliable, and environmentally sustainable.   

How Forward was developed  

We developed Forward with input from employees, riders, and community members. In fall/winter 2023, we asked people to describe their ideal transit experience, and in spring 2024, we asked for feedback on the draft vision, mission, and strategic priorities that emerged from the 2023 input. 

People regularly shared that their ideal transit experience is one that is consistently safe, clean, reliable, and provides service options that are convenient and meets needs. Employees describe their ideal workplace as one where leaders communicate frequently and honestly, where all employees are treated with respect, and where everyone has an opportunity to learn and grow.   

Forward also brings together and builds upon efforts like the Safety & Security Action Plan, Network Now, the buildout of our transit network and other plans and actions that will continue and be tracked through Forward.   

Why Forward is needed   

Forward is a recognition that we are at a pivotal point due to travel behavior changes, workforce challenges, new transitways, and additional revenue through the regional sales tax. Forward provides a way to measure and report the progress we’re making, creating more accountability for our actions.   

How Forward will be applied  

Forward will inform budget decisions and workplans beginning in 2024. As an organization, we will communicate progress on Forward at least annually and update it as needed.  

How Forward will be used to measure success  

Through Forward, we will use the key indicators of ridership and employee, rider, and community member satisfaction to measure our success. Metrics that track our efforts and our progress, such as employee retention, on-time performance, and reported crime will also be tracked and reported internally and externally at least annually.   

How Forward be updated in the future   

Forward will be reviewed at least annually. It’s best to think of this as a document that we will continue to update and change as needed.