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Rider's Almanac Blog

B Line Bus Bus Rapid Transit Car-Sharing D Line Minneapolis

Community invited to take new look at Chicago-Lake Transit Center 

Posted by Drew Kerr | Thursday, March 5, 2020 12:29:00 PM
Community members and a nationally acclaimed design firm are being invited to help imagine the next chapter for the Chicago-Lake Transit Center, one of the busiest boarding locations in the Twin Cities.​ The 13-year-old transit center, just [...]

Ridership growing in corridors with fast, frequent service 

Posted by Drew Kerr | Thursday, March 5, 2020 8:49:00 AM
Ridership continues to rise in corridors with fast, frequent service. The METRO Green Line and METRO A Line each set annual ridership records in 2019. Ridership in the corridor served by the METRO C Line, which opened in June, increased by [...]
How We Roll

How We Roll: Brian Walsh 

Posted by Drew Kerr | Wednesday, March 4, 2020 10:11:00 PM
“How We Roll​” celebrates Metro Transit employees who commute and travel to many other destinations using transit or by biking, walking or carpooling. Brian Walsh, Train Operator, Blue Line How do you get to and from work? I live in [...]

“Become the woman you are proud of” 

Posted by Drew Kerr | Wednesday, March 4, 2020 8:27:00 PM
Clockwise from top left: Rail Supervisor Carri Sampson-Spande, LRT Helper Aida Mohamed, and Jennifer Schultz, on assignment as a Rail Supervisor as part of a career development program, Train Operator Beth DeSalguero, Public Facilities Worker [...]
Bus Light Rail

Good Question: How are buses and trains cleaned? 

| Wednesday, March 4, 2020 2:42:00 PM
With thousands of passengers boarding each day, keeping buses and trains clean is a constant task. In fact, Metro Transit has nearly 100 employees who devote all or part of their time to sweeping, mopping, scrubbing and otherwise tidying up [...]
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