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Rider's Almanac Blog

Know Your Operator

Know Your Operator: Veronica Carter, South 

Posted by John Komarek | Tuesday, August 17, 2021 10:23:00 AM
As a young woman finding her career path, Veronica Carter wasn’t afraid to take chances or move to find opportunities. A little over two decades later, her search ended in 2015. “Getting a job with Metro Transit helped ground me,” [...]
Know Your Operator

Know Your Operator: Tanya Young, Blue Line  

| Friday, August 13, 2021 9:00:00 AM
Tanya Young tells people she was raised to be a train operator on the METRO Blue Line. As a child, she lived just east of Hiawatha Avenue, at the time a one-lane highway with apple trees. Her mom ran a business in downtown Minneapolis, and [...]
COVID-19 From the GM

Commitment to continual improvement will not be short-lived 

Posted by Drew Kerr | Wednesday, August 11, 2021 9:41:00 PM
A message from General Manager Wes Kooistra In a few short weeks, service on several express routes serving downtown Minneapolis, downtown St. Paul, and the University of Minnesota will be restored or expanded. We’ll also begin running light [...]
State Fair

Scaling back State Fair service is a hard, but correct choice 

Posted by Drew Kerr | Wednesday, August 11, 2021 1:00:00 PM
From General Manager Wes Kooistra Due to a shortage of bus operators, we will be providing significantly less State Fair express bus service this year compared to prior years. Scaling back our traditional service level was an incredibly [...]
On Off The Clock

On the Clock/Off the Clock: Vamilar Ngungkpan, Heywood Operator 

Posted by John Komarek | Friday, August 6, 2021 1:28:00 PM
How did you come to work at Metro Transit? In 2012, my wife and I had two kids back to back so I needed a second income to support my family. I had a technician degree and a job as a medical device technician at a big research hospital, but [...]
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