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Rider's Almanac Blog

Career Tracks

Career Tracks: Abel Mumbi, Director of Maintenance 

Posted by John Komarek | Friday, December 10, 2021 8:00:00 AM
Many people who work at Metro Transit take on new responsibilities and roles throughout their careers. Career Tracks highlights the paths employees have taken to their latest assignment and where they see themselves going next. To learn more [...]
Links of Interest

Hopkins man finds big interest in small buses 

Posted by Lindsey Geyer | Thursday, December 9, 2021 8:18:00 PM
Transportation has always been a part of Wayne Wilson’s life. Growing up in Hopkins, he took the bus to clarinet lessons in Minneapolis. Later, he served as a school bus driver and created a computerized bus operations system. Neighbors have [...]
Bus Rapid Transit

Good Question: Do I need to signal a stop on BRT? 

Posted by John Komarek | Tuesday, December 7, 2021 9:59:00 AM
Because Bus Rapid Transit lines like the METRO Orange Line have fewer stops, customers sometimes wonder: Do I need to request a stop? Good question! The answer is yes, like any bus route, you need to request a stop when using any METRO BRT Line. [...]
Know Your Operator

Know your operator: Michael Schmidt, South Garage 

Posted by John Komarek | Thursday, November 18, 2021 9:43:00 AM
As Michael Schmidt approaches his 8-year work anniversary, he remembers what he did to start his career at Metro Transit. “It took ten years of applying before I finally made it,” Schmidt said. During that decade, he discovered that what [...]
On Off The Clock

On the Clock/Off the Clock: Chris Becker, Rail Transit Supervisor  

Posted by Drew Kerr | Wednesday, November 17, 2021 5:52:00 AM
Lives: Minneapolis Years of service: Eight How did you come to work at Metro Transit and what do you do? I came to Metro Transit in 2013, after 14 years with a Twin Cities bank. I was burned out and wanted to have more time to help my [...]
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