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Rider's Almanac Blog

Bus In the News Light Rail Transit Planning

Study: Transit boosts economy 

| Thursday, August 15, 2013 2:05:00 PM
A new report provides further evidence that transit is good for the economy. The study, highlighted this week at The Atlantic Cities website, suggests transit helps boost the economy by bringing people together – widening the labor pool, [...]
Bus Express Bus From the GM State Fair

Metro Transit: The fast and friendly way to the State Fair 

| Wednesday, August 14, 2013 11:04:00 AM
From Brian Lamb, Metro Transit General Manager As customers might imagine, providing service to the Minnesota State Fair is no small undertaking. It’s often said that we run the two largest bus systems in the state during the 12 days of fun [...]
Express Bus Route of the Week Suburban Transit

Route 264: On the shoulder and on the move 

| Wednesday, August 14, 2013 3:00:00 AM
Simon Koch has a 20-minute commute from Roseville to downtown Minneapolis every day. But he doesn’t waste his time sitting in traffic. Instead, riding Route 264, he reads. “Ever since I started riding the bus the number of books I read has just [...]
Bus Go Green

Buses going big on biodiesel 

| Thursday, August 8, 2013 3:00:00 PM
Metro Transit buses are getting around on a cleaner and less costly fuel this summer. Taking advantage of favorable pricing, the entire Metro Transit bus fleet ran on a 20 percent blend of soy-based biodiesel for the first time in July. Biodiesel [...]

New buses hit the streets 

| Thursday, August 8, 2013 9:30:00 AM
If you notice that ‘new bus’ smell the next time you get on board, it’s not your imagination. Metro Transit has received more than 50 new 40-foot diesel buses this year and will get another 24 this fall. Metro Transit's buses typically [...]
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