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Rider's Almanac Blog

Bus METRO Orange Line Minneapolis

Key I-35W transit improvements moving forward 

Posted by Drew Kerr | Thursday, March 9, 2017 9:48:00 AM
Two key improvements included in plans for a new Bus Rapid Transit line on Interstate 35W will be built thanks to a key federal approval. The Federal Transit Administration’s Letter of No Prejudice allows local funding to be used on a [...]
Community METRO Green Line

Artist's vision comes to life on light rail train 

Posted by Drew Kerr | Tuesday, March 7, 2017 1:56:00 PM
Andrea Carlson isn't used to chasing her artwork around. But when her canvas becomes a 100,000-pound light-rail vehicle, it's about the only way to get a glimpse of the finished product. Carlson managed to catch up with the train twice last [...]
Bus Light Rail

Taking stock of Metro Transit’s material needs 

Posted by Drew Kerr | Tuesday, March 7, 2017 1:31:00 PM
Head Stockkeeper Michelle Bellfield likes to think of her work the same way she thinks about filling her refrigerator at home. “There are the things you use every day, like milk or eggs, that you always want to have on hand,” she said. “And then [...]
A Line BRT

A Line tops 1 million ride mark 

Posted by Drew Kerr | Thursday, February 16, 2017 5:00:00 PM
Robert Connoy has the kind of job that allows him to work from home. But since the A Line opened just a few blocks from his Mac-Groveland residence, he’s started venturing out to a co-working space in downtown Minneapolis, a commute that involves [...]
Transit Information

Looking for your bus or train? "Show my bus" now in NexTrip! 

Posted by Drew Kerr | Monday, February 6, 2017 8:43:00 AM
Customers can track approaching buses or trains in real time using a feature called Show My Bus. The feature can be accessed through Metro Transit's app or website. Links are found on route schedule pages and through NexTrip. In the app, select Trip [...]
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