Posted by John Komarek |
Thursday, January 28, 2021 4:27:00 PM

Topee Jackson immigrated from Liberia to the U.S. in 1981 seeking a better future. Nearly a decade later, as his home country was entering a civil war, he found his calling as a Metro Transit bus operator. In early 2021, Jackson retired after 31 years of service.
When he arrived in the U.S., Jackson went back school to become an electrical systems draftsman (his credentials from Liberia didn't transfer). While working, he heard a radio commercial saying transit needed part-time, weekend operators. Jackson was looking for extra income to send back to his parents in Liberia, so he applied. After a month on the job, he decided to go full-time. "I found out I love driving a bus!" he said. "It's cool to be able to meet and talk with customers."
In retirement, Jackson planned to spend time with his children and grandchildren, who followed him to Minnesota. He also looked forward to returning to Liberia to fix up his childhood home, wrecked by the civil war, and to spend time with family there.