In 1988, Sam Caron began his career at Metro Transit as a part-time police officer, splitting his time as a Sergeant with the Saint Paul Police Department. When he retired from the force, he was hired to work in the Transit Control Center (TCC). “They were looking for someone with both police dispatch and Metro Transit experience,” Caron said. “After getting that job, I discovered there were other places I could work here.”
When he started in the TCC in 2000, it was located on the main floor of the Heywood Office and shared similar duties with Street Operations, which exposed him to working both jobs and how the system works. He eventually moved to Street Operations as a Street Supervisor. In 2009, he became an assistant transportation manager at Nicollet, then moved to East Metro, where he ends his career. Through large events like the Super Bowl and Final Four, and later the COVID-19 pandemic, he served as an acting garage manager. He also served as one of Metro Transit’s representatives on APTA’s Security and Emergency Management Standards Working Group.
“I really enjoyed all my jobs. They were complex and always challenging, due to technology or simply what’s happening in the world,” he said. “But I especially enjoyed working with operators every day.” Caron always aimed to create a welcoming atmosphere in his office, starting with a simple candy dish. “There are times operators are required to meet with me, but I’d rather have more interactions outside of those times to help build relationships,” he said.
In retirement, Caron plans to golf frequently and in warmer climates, work on some home remodeling projects, and spend quality time with his family and friends.