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Rider's Almanac Blog

How We Roll

How We Roll: Kelci Stones

Posted by John Komarek | Monday, September 9, 2019 10:51:00 AM

“How We Roll​” celebrates Metro Transit employees who commute and travel to many other destinations using transit or by biking, walking or carpooling. 

Kelci Stones, Senior Market Development Specialist

How do you get to work?

I’ve taken the Blue Line since it opened in 2004. When my family lived in south Minneapolis, I could drop my son at daycare in the building next to the Fort Snelling Station and ride in from there. We’ve since moved to Eagan, but Fort Snelling is still just a quick bike ride or drive from home. I walk between Target Field Station and the Heywood Office.

What do you enjoy most about your commute?

It’s 100 percent “me time.” I can read, listen to music or podcasts, do crossword puzzles or catch up on e-mails. I also keep an eye out for things like damaged signs on platforms and inside vehicles, outdated ads that need to be removed, graffiti and anything else that needs to be addressed so we can keep our system looking its best. If I see anything, I’ll report it so we can follow up. 

How do you get around outside of your commute?

My family uses a little bit of everything – we walk, ride bikes, drive and take transit. When we’re not road-tripping out west, our family vacations revolve around public transit. This summer, we went to Europe and relied entirely on public transportation. Thankfully, my kids have had plenty of practice walking city streets with suitcases and backpacks to transit stations.