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Rider's Almanac Blog

How We Roll

How We Roll: Karyssa Jackson 

Posted by John Komarek | Thursday, October 18, 2018 1:10:00 PM
Many Metro Transit employees are committed to sustainable transportation, riding the bus or train, biking or walking to work and other destinations across the region. These “How We Roll” profiles illustrate how much we have in common with our [...]
Bus From the GM

Focus on reliability and travel times brings big benefits 

Posted by Drew Kerr | Friday, October 12, 2018 1:36:00 PM
From General Manager Brian Lamb When we ask transit riders what they want from us, we usually get a simple answer: They want us to show up on time and to get them to their destination as safely and quickly as possible. Bus-only shoulders, [...]
History Highlight

Where did the name Metro Transit come from? 

Posted by Drew Kerr | Wednesday, October 10, 2018 10:04:00 AM
Transit has a 146-year history in the Twin Cities. But there have been several service providers over the years, creating a chain of identities leading to what we now know as Metro Transit. For decades, the region’s largest transit company was [...]
Know Your Operator

Know Your Operator: Julie Trosen  

Posted by John Komarek | Monday, October 8, 2018 2:05:00 PM
For twelve years, Julie Trosen drove school buses, but then she upgraded her career at Metro Transit. And, if you ask her, she’s never looking back. She found the pay and the benefits second-to-none. “I plan to be here until I retire,” Trosen [...]
Bus Fares Light Rail Minneapolis Northstar

Metropass program reaches the 20-year mark 

Posted by Drew Kerr | Thursday, October 4, 2018 9:16:00 AM
Providing discounted, unlimited ride transit passes through area employers was a novel idea when the Metropass program began in 1998. But twenty years after its inception, the program is attracting an increasing number of companies eager to [...]
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