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Rider's Almanac Blog

Bus METRO Blue Line METRO Green Line Shelters

Electricians find a permanent fix to a perennial problem 

Posted by Drew Kerr | Thursday, February 13, 2020 12:46:00 PM
In late-2018, frustrated by repeatedly repairing on-demand heaters customers use while waiting for a bus or train on cold days, Electrician Jim Davis came up with an idea. What would happen, he thought, if the heat-creating bulbs, frequently [...]
On Off The Clock

On the Clock/Off the Clock: John Coleman Jr. 

Posted by John Komarek | Thursday, February 6, 2020 10:10:00 AM
Name: John Coleman Jr. Lives: Minneapolis Job: Bus Operator Garage: Heywood Years of service: 32 How did you come to work at Metro Transit and what do you do? When I was 21 years old and in college, my first son Jurell was born. To [...]
How We Roll

How We Roll: Bruce Howard 

Posted by Drew Kerr | Wednesday, February 5, 2020 11:35:00 AM
“How We Roll​” celebrates Metro Transit employees who commute and travel to many other destinations using transit or by biking, walking or carpooling. Bruce Howard, Director-Marketing and Transit Information How do you get to [...]
A Line BRT B Line Bus Bus Rapid Transit C Line D Line E Line

BRT successes provide plenty of reasons to be optimistic 

| Tuesday, February 4, 2020 12:01:00 PM
A customer boards a northbound Route 6 on France Avenue, where the METRO E Line will operate in the future. From Charles Carlson, Director of Bus Rapid Transit Projects Here and across the country, bus ridership is declining. But in [...]
Bus Fares

Transition to new farebox technology continues 

Posted by John Komarek | Tuesday, February 4, 2020 11:04:00 AM
Revenue Mechanical Technician Bee Her, above, is among those installing new fareboxes. More of Metro Transit's buses are being outfitted with new and improved fareboxes. To date, the new fareboxes have been installed on nearly 100 buses, [...]
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