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Rider's Almanac Blog

Where I'm From

Where I’m From: Mamo Ligdi, Helper 

Posted by Drew Kerr | Wednesday, November 10, 2021 5:06:00 AM
Metro Transit employees come from many cultures and backgrounds. To celebrate this diversity, employees who are proud to share their heritage and identity will be regularly featured on the Riders' Almanac blog. Read more stories here. Tell [...]

Recognizing Metro Transit Veterans 

Posted by John Komarek | Monday, November 8, 2021 10:23:00 AM
Metro Transit's employees are service-oriented. As such, many have joined us after a term of service in the armed forces or are still serving. The Metropolitan Council employs nearly 400 veterans, including several Metro Transit police [...]
Public Art

At Lake Street Station, utility building transformed into public art 

Posted by Drew Kerr | Friday, November 5, 2021 3:32:00 PM
Andrés Guzman has been boarding the Blue Line at the Lake Street/Midtown Station for more than a decade, never really paying much attention to the utility building that sits beneath it. Now, after more than a month of Guzman’s careful [...]

New technology could expand transit access for blind, low-vision customers 

Posted by Drew Kerr | Tuesday, November 2, 2021 9:07:00 PM
Clockwise from left: Sheila Enerson using the Aira app during a trip on the METRO Green Line, a beacon being installed at the Raymond Avenue Station and a new tactile map at the Raymond Avenue Station. Sheila Enerson stepped out of her home, [...]
Know Your Operator

Know Your Operator: Malika Kifal, Ruter Garage  

| Tuesday, November 2, 2021 3:44:00 PM
Fifteen years ago, when Malika Kifal (Mah-lee-ka Key-fall) immigrated from Morocco to Minnesota, she relied on transit for daily life.    “I’ve been outside walking to a stop or waiting in the cold or rain for a bus,” Kifal said. “I know [...]
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