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Rider's Almanac Blog

Bus METRO Green Line Route of the Week St. Paul

Route 62: Finding friends, foregoing the freeway on Rice Street 

| Friday, February 7, 2014 11:06:00 AM
Kathryn Moret’s outgoing personality has earned her a nickname with fellow Route 62 customers: the Cruise Director. Inspired by the television show The Love Boat, the name came after Moret began organizing monthly get-togethers with some of the [...]
METRO Green Line St. Paul Station Spotlight

10th Street Station encased in icy history 

| Friday, January 31, 2014 12:00:00 AM
Nan Jahnke loves the St. Paul Winter Carnival. That’s why, given the opportunity to share her ideas for station artwork at the METRO Green Line’s 10th Street Station, her mind went immediately to ice palaces. It makes sense, too. Sitting in [...]
Bus METRO Green Line Route of the Week St. Paul

Route 67: A route to relaxation 

| Friday, January 31, 2014 12:00:00 AM
When Karl Gehrke began a new job at the Hmong American Partnership last fall, he started riding to and from the organization’s offices at University and Western avenues on Route 67. From his home, it’s a short, five-minute trip that leaves little [...]
Community Light Rail METRO Blue Line METRO Green Line Safety Transit Police

For Transit Police K-9s, all work and a little play 

| Thursday, January 30, 2014 12:00:00 AM
K-9 Handler Alex Johannes tucked a pound of ammonium nitrate into a canister, sealed the lid and spanned the small conference room. Spotting a small cardboard box in the corner, Johannes concealed the canister and exited the room. Minutes later, [...]
A Line BRT METRO Green Line St. Paul Station Spotlight

Shows, support and supplies await at Snelling Station 

| Monday, January 27, 2014 3:21:00 PM
Jim Segal is rethinking the type of bags he provides customers at his University Avenue store, Ax-Man Surplus. That’s because he thinks more than a few of them will be boarding the METRO Green Line after shopping at the store, located less than a [...]
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