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Rider's Almanac Blog

Bus Light Rail METRO Blue Line METRO Green Line Rider Information

Just the facts 

| Friday, February 28, 2014 9:59:00 AM
It can be difficult to grasp the scale of Metro Transit's operations. The picture becomes a bit clearer in a new Fact Book that provides a snapshot of all the services Metro Transit provides. The recently-released 2013 Fact Book covers the big [...]
In the News METRO Green Line St. Paul

President Obama gets Green Line's first ticket 

| Thursday, February 27, 2014 12:00:00 AM
President Barack Obama received the first "honorary" ticket on the METRO Green Line during his visit to St. Paul on Wednesday. The ticket, which Obama signed and returned, was just one highlight of his stop at the Green Line's new Operations [...]
Bus Rider Information Transit Planning

Take a seat 

| Wednesday, February 19, 2014 8:20:00 AM
Metro Transit customers who use routes 6, 12 or 21 may have noticed a couple of seats go missing beginning earlier this month. Two aisle seats are absent from in front of the rear exit door on two-dozen newly-ordered 40-foot buses, leaving each [...]
Bus Express Bus METRO Green Line Minneapolis Route of the Week St. Paul

Route 94: Saving time and money between the Twin Cities 

| Friday, February 14, 2014 12:00:00 AM
Greg Ruhland boarded Route 94, took a seat near the front of the bus and pulled out his cell phone. En route to St. Paul, he paid a few bills online and placed an order for grocery delivery. The ability to catch up on his household chores is [...]
Bus METRO Green Line Route of the Week St. Paul

Route 62: Finding friends, foregoing the freeway on Rice Street 

| Friday, February 7, 2014 11:06:00 AM
Kathryn Moret’s outgoing personality has earned her a nickname with fellow Route 62 customers: the Cruise Director. Inspired by the television show The Love Boat, the name came after Moret began organizing monthly get-togethers with some of the [...]
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