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Rider's Almanac Blog

Bus Good Question Rider Information

Good Question: Why are certain routes operated under contract? 

| Thursday, June 26, 2014 3:00:00 AM
Route 87 is operated under contract by Schmitty & Sons, Inc. The route runs from the Rosedale Transit Center to W. 7th St, with service to the University of Minnesota's St. Paul Campus, METRO Green Line's Raymond Avenue Station, and Highland [...]
Bus METRO Green Line Route of the Week St. Paul

Route 83: A new link on Lexington Parkway 

| Thursday, June 19, 2014 12:00:00 PM
Dressed in a suit and tie, Alon Coleman recently took his first trip on Route 83. If the interview he just finished leads to a new job, it will be the first of many for the 20-year-old St. Paul resident. “That would be great,” Coleman said as he [...]
Bus Community METRO Green Line Minneapolis St. Paul

The last ride on Route 50 

| Wednesday, June 18, 2014 12:00:00 AM
Nikki Bass grew pretty fond of Route 50 over the last decade. The Frogtown resident said the route not only took her where she needed to go but moved at an ideal pace – brisk, but casual enough to let her take in the sights along the way. On [...]
METRO Green Line St. Paul Station Spotlight

Hope abounds at Hamline Avenue 

| Monday, June 16, 2014 12:00:00 AM
Like many of the students who documented the METRO Green Line’s construction as part of a special class at Gordon Parks High School, Khalaun Phillips viewed light-rail construction as an unwelcome inconvenience. Now that work has come to an end, [...]
Community METRO Green Line

Green Line poster contest winner revealed 

| Thursday, June 12, 2014 12:39:00 PM
When Genesia Williams heard about the METRO Green Line Opening Day Poster Contest, she knew immediately that she had to enter. A graduate of the Minneapolis Community & Technical College’s graphic design and print program, Williams wanted to [...]
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