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Rider's Almanac Blog

Accessibility METRO Orange Line

Expanding access and accessibility on the Orange Line 

| Monday, January 30, 2017 10:39:00 AM
On Marq2, hundreds of buses pull quickly in and out of stops during the afternoon rush hour. At Interstate 35W and Lake Street, customers ascend a steep set of stairs to wait in what is essentially the freeway shoulder. And at the I-35W & 46th [...]
Safety Transit Police

Transit police welcome new K-9s 

| Wednesday, December 7, 2016 11:01:00 AM
Officer Matt Wilkinson has always been a dog person. So when the opportunity arose to become one of the Metro Transit Police Department’s new K-9 handlers, he took it. And since late-October he’s been side-by-side with Carlo, one of three Belgian [...]
Community Transit Police

Police put youth on a new path through Youth Diversion Program 

| Friday, December 2, 2016 11:59:00 AM
A juvenile diversion program piloted this year has helped Metro Transit police build relationships with youth offenders. Officers involved in the Youth Diversion Program work directly with juveniles (ages 12 to 18) facing their first charges from [...]
Know Your Operator METRO Green Line

Know Your Operator: Alex Abay 

| Wednesday, November 30, 2016 2:59:00 PM
Alex Abay wanted to be a part of history. So as the METRO Green Line approached its 2014 opening, he was among the first train operators to get involved in the light-rail line’s initial test runs. And when opening day arrived in 2014, he made [...]
Bus Community Light Rail Minneapolis St. Paul

Reflections on November in the Twin Cities 

Posted by Kathy Graul | Wednesday, November 30, 2016 10:13:00 AM
Does anyone else feel like November has flown by? A presidential election, unseasonably warm temperatures and Vikings games in the new stadium are just a few of the highlights. We at Metro Transit are thankful for the opportunity to look back and [...]
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