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John Cook 

Posted by John Komarek | Thursday, January 30, 2025 12:04:00 PM

John Cook is proof that switching careers after 40 is not only possible but can lead to a rewarding new journey.

“After styling hair for 25 years, I retired. But then I got bored,” John said. “I thought driving for Metro Transit would be a good transition until I figured out what I really wanted to do.”

What began as a temporary role quickly became a lifelong career.

After five years as a bus operator, he became the co-chair of the Driver Safety and Security Committee. There, he helped introduce bus cameras, shields, and part-time officers. His efforts resulted in a $5 million investment to improve safety for both operators and passengers.

From there, he moved into the Transit Control Center, where he helped establish emergency response for transit. These drills would become important, including responding to the confusion on the street during 9/11.

“It was a lot of work, but we earned a lot of praise,” John recalled. “But what I truly cared about was helping people.”

This drive led him to his new role as an Assistant Transportation Manager, specifically overseeing disability management for operators. For over 20 years, he worked closely with employees facing health challenges, ensuring they received the support they needed.

“I just enjoy helping people, especially during hard times,” he said. “I always told people, ‘If you're upset, come in, shut the door, and just talk to me.’”

When the COVID-19 pandemic hit, he found more ways to help others. Like making sure operators had the necessary protective equipment and moral support to weather the pandemic and keep transit operational to provide essential rides.

“It was intense,” he said. “We were working ten- to twelve-hour days, every day.”

Now preparing for retirement, he’s looking forward to spending more time with his grandchildren and taking life at his own pace. However, he remains committed to helping others.

“The biggest takeaway from my career is the importance of kindness and helping others,” he reflected. “I’ll always be here to help when needed.”


David Dehmer 

Posted by John Komarek | Thursday, January 30, 2025 12:01:00 PM

David Dehmer always knew he wanted a career behind the wheel.

“After high school, I tried a few different things, like being an auto body mechanic,” David said. “But driving just felt right.”

Initially, David wanted to be an over-the-road driver, but he found his way onto school buses. However, a chance encounter with a Metro Transit bus driver sparked his interest in a career here. “I remember standing by the driver. He was so friendly and drove so smoothly. That stuck with me,” he said.

David’s journey wasn’t without its bumps. He didn’t pass his driving test on the first try, surprising even his instructor. “He was shocked when I didn’t pass. But I didn’t give up and I passed,” David said.

David started his 41-year career at Old Snelling Garage before moving to the new East Metro Garage, where he spent the rest of his career. He followed in the footsteps of his grandfather, who had worked at the Metropolitan Transit Commission (MTC). Over the years, David drove many routes, with routes 61, 65, 68, and 71 among his favorites.

What kept David coming back each day was the connection he made with regular passengers and the responsibility of safely transporting people. “I learned that if you’re nice to people, they’re nice to you,” he said. “I’ve earned 39 years of no accidents. That’s something I’m really proud of.”

The benefits of working at Metro Transit were another reason David stayed behind the wheel. “I’ve been able to be home for all the big moments, like births and other milestones. That’s something I’m grateful for,” he said.

As David enters retirement, his son hopes to follow his example and become a Metro Transit operator. David’s advice to him is the same he gives to all operators: “Keep up the good work and stay safe. It’s not an easy job, but someone has to do it—and you’re making a difference.”

In retirement, David plans to spend more time with his three children, three grandchildren, and the family dog. Once his wife retires, they look forward to traveling together.


Peter Moore  

Posted by Drew Kerr | Tuesday, January 7, 2025 9:53:00 AM

When Peter Moore started out as a bus operator, he knew any kind of accident meant he’d likely be looking for a new line of work. So, starting out, he figured he’d just do his best to make the job last as long as he could.  

“I always looked at it as a day-to-day job,” Moore recalled. “It just so happened to work out to 40 years. I kind of surprised myself.” 

One reason for his longevity: An impeccable record that allowed him to retire as one of just two Metro Transit operators to achieve 40 consecutive years of safe driving. Moore retired with that unique distinction in January 2025.  

That stellar record, he said, came in part from years of working quiet overnight roads. But whether it was day or night, he always put safety first and schedule second, “taking whatever the traffic gave me,” as he said.  

“I also had a really unique trainer who impressed a few important things on me early on, including to hog the road and always stay under the speed limit,” Moore said. “That was an early lesson in this job you’re here to pick people up, not just drive down the road.” 

Before coming to what was then known as the Metropolitan Transit Commission, Moore spent several years as a school bus driver. In that role, he met people working part-time driving city buses and saw a chance to improve his lot in life, an important thing for a new father.  

After “bullying” his way in, Moore spent time at the Heywood and Shingle Creek garages before landing in 1995 at Nicollet, where he’d remain for the rest of his career. He liked the garage primarily because of the diverse people he got to work with and learn from. “We have people here from all over the world, and it’s always been interesting and fun to hear their stories and get to know about all these different cultures,” Moore said.  

In retirement, Moore planned to retire to Little Falls, Minn., and spend more time with his children, grandchildren, and wife. As for those following in his footsteps here?  “If you have the right mental attitude and are a good map reader it can be a pretty easy and steady job,” he said. 


Richard Pratschner 

Posted by John Komarek | Monday, December 23, 2024 10:36:00 AM

Richard Pratschner didn’t want to go to college, but didn’t know exactly what to do. His uncle, a longtime operator, pointed him on a career path that would span four decades.

"I didn’t plan on becoming a bus driver," Richard admitted. "But it turned out to be a good fit for me."

He began part time in 1984, but he wasn’t convinced this was his career until he went full-time the next year. He worked at various garages and routes and spent his final years at the North Loop Garage, driving Route 645 near his old neighborhood where he first decided to become a bus operator.

"When I finished on the 645, it felt like coming full circle," he said.

Over the years, Richard witnessed major shifts in the industry, especially in the buses themselves.

"When I started, the buses were big, heavy, and manual—no power steering, no wheelchair lifts," he recalls. "Now, everything is more modern, and the technology makes the job easier."

But despite the changes, the core skills of driving remained constant—chiefly, patience.

"You have to accept that things will happen. It’s all about being patient with yourself and others," Richard said.

The people he met on the job, both passengers and fellow drivers, made the experience rewarding.

"The best part of this career is definitely the people. I’ve helped so many get where they need to go," he says. "And the friendships with fellow drivers are something I’ll always cherish."

In retirement, he plans to return to hobbies like ice fishing and gardening, and once his wife retires, a cruise in Alaska.


Julie Timm 

Posted by John Komarek | Tuesday, November 12, 2024 1:12:00 PM

When Julie Timm came to Metro Transit 35 years ago, she never thought that working in the Transit Information Center would become a satisfying, lifelong career.

“I came here kind of by accident,” Julie said. “I was unemployed after the hotel I worked for closed unexpectedly. After I saw an ad for Metro Transit, I thought, ‘I can probably do that for a while,’ but I quickly realized I loved the work!”

And Julie loves Metro Transit as a customer, too. Since 1982, she hasn’t owned a car and relies exclusively on Metro Transit. “I became a strong believer in transit,” she recalled. “I realized I didn’t need a car anymore, so I sold it. Transit became my lifeline.”

Her initial role in TIC involved helping customers navigate the city’s transit system. As technology evolved, so did her job. In 2000, Metro Transit introduced the online trip planner, dramatically improving efficiency. “When we moved to Automated Trip Planning System ATIS, it was a game-changer,” Julie said. “We could train new staff faster and help customers more accurately.”

Julie’s passion for transit made her a key player in the department. In 1992, she was promoted to supervisor, a role she held for the remainder of her career. Through the years, continuing changes involved the introduction of online trip tools and real time information, further improving the work TIC staff could do.

Over the years, Julie’s contributions extended beyond just managing staff—she loved serving as a transit ambassador helping people in the field and she mentored and advocated for both her colleagues and customers. “What I’ll miss most is the people I’ve worked with and the customers I’ve helped,” she reflected.

In retirement, she plans to do some overdue renovations at her home and add to the 25 countries she’s already visited with stops in Japan and Central Europe. And, she’ll continue to ride Metro Transit throughout the metro.


Kimberly Fleming 

Posted by John Komarek | Thursday, October 24, 2024 10:28:00 AM

A bit of advice from her father propelled Kimberly Fleming into a 38-year career. “He said if you find a job with a pension, you’d never regret it,” Kimberly said. "That’s your retirement!”

A young Kimberly took that message to heart after graduating from high school and starting college in Minneapolis. She started as a school bus driver and then upgraded to Metro Transit, then MTC.

“The goal was always to get into Metro Transit because it was the best place to work,” she said. “Driving a school bus paid $3.80 an hour, while Metro Transit was starting at $9.50—quite a difference!”

She credits her brother who also operated buses for helping her prepare for the role. Once she made it in, she left college to pursue a career full-time. But, unlike today’s operators starting full-time immediately, it took two years before a spot opened up. And she loved her role as an operator.

“I loved driving the 5 as it ran through the neighborhood I grew up in,” Kimberly said. “I’d see people I hadn’t seen in years from grade school.”

And, she learned the importance of transit during the 1991 Halloween Blizzard when she reported for duty and picked up a woman stranded outside just before all operations shut down.

“I’ve never seen someone so happy to see me in my life,” she said. “Those moments remind me that as drivers, we’re like angels for our passengers.”

Throughout the years, she’s worked at all 5 garages and moved into a dispatcher role in 2001. But one night when she relieved someone who called in sick altered her career trajectory.

“I saw an opening for an assistant manager on the job board and applied on a whim,” Kimberly said. “I was shocked to get hired, but I found where I needed to be.”

As an assistant manager, she was able to focus on what she loved about bus operations: helping people. And through the pandemic, she helped operators navigate the most difficult time in recent history.

And as she retires, she wants operators to know how much support they have here at Metro Transit and how far we’ve advanced.

“Don’t be afraid to call for help, that’s why we’re here,” she said.

And as she leaves Metro Transit, she, like her father before her, encourages others to apply.

“There’s so much going on here, we’re in a great transition,” Kimberly said.

In retirement, she plans to spend her summers at the lake in Minnesota and head to the desert or the beach during the winters. She’s especially eyeing the Caribbean – a place she’s yet to see.


Bill Beck 

Posted by John Komarek | Tuesday, October 1, 2024 1:29:00 PM

Just two weeks after high school, Bill Beck started working at Metro Transit as a cleaner.

“My father worked here and suggested I apply,” Beck said. “He told me that there would always be transit and that it’s a steady, secure job.”

As Beck retires as a manager of bus maintenance 44 years later, he confirms his father’s advice. In the first few weeks at the old Nicollet Garage, however, he wasn’t so sure.

“I remember a moment thinking ‘what am I doing here?’” he said. “I found out this is a great place to work, and you’re given all the tools you need to succeed.”

Beck’s success came from learning on-the-job, which helped him move into different positions, from cleaner to fueler to skilled helper to mechanic. He advanced to management after gaining supervisory experience in the STEP program, the predecessor to the Leadership Academy.

“I’m proud to be the first mechanic to take part in that program,” Beck said. “It got me where I am today.”

In over four decades, Beck spent time at every garage except for the old North Side Garage. He also saw every new bus type and technology from AC and power steering to electric buses come to Metro Transit. Reminiscing about historical milestones reminds Beck how quickly time flies. 

“I used to tease the older guys at the garage, but now I’m the older guy!” Beck joked.

His 44 years were split evenly between roles in labor and management with 22 years apiece. He worked on various shifts, including overnights, to help keep transit running around the clock. For the latter part of his career, however, his day started at 5 a.m.

“I’ve always loved my job, no matter what,” he said. “I just hope that I leave this place better than I found it.”

In retirement, he plans to do more camping and biking at as many national parks as possible with his wife. And he looks forward to treating every day like a Saturday and sleeping in.


Thomas “Broccoli” Carey 

Posted by John Komarek | Tuesday, October 1, 2024 1:28:00 PM

When Thomas Carey entered the workforce in 1979, he entered a down economy and jumped from job to job. After a friend became an operator at Metro Transit, he decided to apply, too.

“I thought, ‘if he could do it, so could I,’” Thomas said. “There was a lot of job security there – no matter how bad the economy gets; people still need transit.”

His 35-year career began in 1989 as he reported for duty at the Old Shinglecreek Garage (renamed Ruter years later). But it would be Heywood, where he spent the bulk of his career 30 years. Towards the end of his career, he used his union seniority to move into the state-of-the-art garage, North Loop.

“I was number 2 at Heywood and number 12 system wide,” he said. “With time, it gets better here.”

At the end of his career, he was able to have his pick of shifts and routes he preferred, including the 645, 9, and 3. He remembers working through the Thanksgiving and Halloween blizzards where he didn’t get stuck. And narrowly missing the 35W collapse while on duty. Whatever happened, however, he had no doubts this is where he wanted to be.

“I love to be behind the wheel,” Thomas said. “I never tire of looking out a window with a wheel in front of me.”

Beyond driving, he enjoyed interacting with the customers, especially to share smiles and jokes. He found that it helped build report and a reputation with riders. This included taking a page from his clown alter ego named “Broccoli.”

“Not everyone likes Broccoli, but I hope you like me!” he would joke to customers.

Even though he loves his job, he knows there’s a time to move aside for the next generation to take the wheel. But before he left, he served one more State Fair – a service he provided every year at transit. On his very last ride, he announced his retirement, which was met with applause and congratulations.

“I’m going to miss my job,” Thomas said. “But I find myself in a really good place.”

In retirement, he looks forward to camping, visiting friends in the Dells, snow birding in Florida, and looks forward to welcoming a new grandchild into the family.


Rodney Smith 

Posted by John Komarek | Tuesday, October 1, 2024 1:27:00 PM

When Rodney Smith wanted to make a career change, it was an old Route 6 operator who inspired him to apply at Metro Transit.

“I rode with him from northeast to south Minneapolis every day,” Smith said. “He was like a father figure.”

So, Smith left his manufacturing career at a major beverage company and began life as a bus operator with the number #365. When he began, Metro Transit was still making a transition from Twin Cities Lines, and he saw many major improvements over the years.

“When I started at the Old Northside Garage, the garage floor was dirt and it was pretty smoggy,” he recalled. “New operators don’t know how good they’ve got it. It’s 100% better than it was.”

Many buses also didn’t have heat, air conditioning, nor power steering, and starting wages were $6 an hour. For the last several years, however, Smith had it pretty good as the #2 in union seniority and just recently secured the #1 spot. This means he chooses work before every other operator in the company. But it wasn’t always that way.

“It took me many years to get off weekends,” Smith said. “Things get better over time.”

Beyond the benefits of seniority, operator camaraderie kept him signing in for duty at South Garage for 43 years. And the friendships he made inside the garage translated to friendships outside.

“I enjoyed all the sports leagues we’d be in, and the fishing group I organized and the trips we’d take together,” he said.

On the road, Smith most enjoyed operating the METRO Orange Line and Route 515. And on duty, his biggest focus was the road and safety, which earned him a 44-year safe driving award.

But as all good things must come to an end, Smith decided it was time to retire after 45 years of service.

“This job has been great,” Smith reflected. “But it’s time – I’m old enough.”

In retirement, he plans to spend more time with his wife, kids, and grandkids. He also plans to take many camping and fishing trips on Lake Michigan and in Wisconsin – some with friends from Metro Transit.


E. Glenn Gilbert 

Business Systems Manager
Posted by Drew Kerr | Thursday, September 26, 2024 9:43:00 PM

Unsure what kind of career he wanted, E. Glenn Gilbert took his father-in-law’s advice and applied for what sounded like a secure job as a vault puller. It didn’t take long for him to feel right at home, and after finding his calling uncertainty turned to determination and he built a career in transit that would eventually span more than three decades. Gilbert retires next week after 34 years of service.  

“When I started, I was a college dropout with a young family and no obvious career,” Gilbert said. “Working here gave me opportunities to increase my knowledge, skills, and abilities, to be part of a public service that really matters to the community, and to achieve the financial stability to retire.”  

The opportunities Gilbert found at Metro Transit were largely of his own making.   

After eight years as a vault puller, Gilbert moved to the stockroom where he was exposed to computers and started learning how to build queries and reports. There, he learned he had a knack for information systems and looked for ways to build and apply his skills in that space. 

After returning to school, Gilbert spent time in Bus Maintenance and Bus Transportation, where he honed his abilities developing nascent business intelligence tools that are still used today. Gilbert said he was particularly adept at interpreting what people needed from systems and putting that information in terms other people needed to deliver solutions. “That’s a niche not everyone can live in,” he said.   

For the past seven years, Gilbert has served as a business systems manager in Strategic Initiatives. In this position, Gilbert said he was able to put all his experience and education toward designing the next evolution of the same systems he helped get off the ground. Like every other position that came before it, he said it was the best job he ever had.  

Throughout his career, Gilbert relied on the same transit system he supported behind the scenes, riding the bus to and from homes in Blaine and Falcon Heights.   

Now, though, Gilbert is ready to ditch the commute and hand things off to a successor who can stick around and see the systems he’s helped bring to the foreground mature throughout their career.  

In retirement, he hopes to spend more time on the things he enjoys the most, including listening to live music and following IndyCar. “Mostly, I’m just looking forward to having a good chunk of my day back to chose what I want to do,” he says.  

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