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Rider's Almanac Blog

Posts in Category: METRO Gold Line

METRO Blue Line METRO Gold Line

Rail maintenance projects keep trains running smoothly, safely 

Posted by Drew Kerr | Monday, April 22, 2024 3:26:00 PM
Top left and bottom right: Crews repair rail breaks near the METRO Green Line's Fairview Avenue Station on Saturday, April 20, 2024. With embedded track, crews have to remove and replace concrete that surrounds the track. At top right and bottom [...]
METRO Gold Line

METRO Gold Line opening set for March 2025 

Posted by Drew Kerr | Monday, April 1, 2024 3:35:00 PM
Gold Line will be one of three Bus Rapid Transit lines opening in 2025 The METRO Gold Line – the state’s first Bus Rapid Transit line to operate primarily within bus-only lanes – will open on March 22, 2025, project leaders have announced. [...]