Posted by John Komarek |
Tuesday, February 4, 2020 11:04:00 AM
Revenue Mechanical Technician Bee Her, above, is among those installing new fareboxes.
More of Metro Transit's buses are being outfitted with new and improved fareboxes.
To date, the new fareboxes have been installed on nearly 100 buses,
Posted by Drew Kerr |
Monday, January 13, 2020 12:43:00 PM
New shelters were installed at several locations in 2019, including at, clockwise from left: 35th and Chicago, in Minneapolis, Dale Street and Selby Avenue, in St. Paul; and on Rice Street and Charles Avenue, in St. Paul.
Until recently, Route 5
Posted by Drew Kerr |
Monday, December 16, 2019 12:24:00 PM
It doesn’t take long to see that bus operators Crystal Garrison (above left) and Yolanda Sims (above right) are close friends.
On a recent weekday afternoon, they laughed frequently as they traded stories about their first few months at
Express Bus
Light Rail
Posted by Drew Kerr |
Thursday, October 17, 2019 9:56:00 AM
When Terry and Brian Crunk decided to move from downtown Minneapolis to Golden Valley, they didn’t want to take their 6-month-old son Finn out of his downtown daycare or deal with the stresses of commuting by car.
The solution: Bring him on
Posted by Drew Kerr |
Friday, September 13, 2019 12:42:00 PM
Bus operators who compete in Metro Transit's Bus Roadeo are continuing a tradition that began with a simple idea nearly a half-century earlier.
Mike Hughes became a bus operator for what was then known as the Metropolitan Transit Commission (MTC)