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Posts in Category: Minneapolis

Light Rail METRO Blue Line Minneapolis

Train operator recalls 30-year-old CPR lessons, likely saving a passenger’s life 

Posted by Laura Baenen | Tuesday, February 19, 2019 1:29:00 PM
Train operator Jim Peach (above left) was moved to take a CPR class 30 years ago after watching helplessly as a fellow Northwest Airlines mechanic died of a heart attack at work. The next time he saw someone stricken when he was on the job, Peach [...]
Bus Fares Light Rail Minneapolis Northstar

Metropass program reaches the 20-year mark 

Posted by Drew Kerr | Thursday, October 4, 2018 9:16:00 AM
Providing discounted, unlimited ride transit passes through area employers was a novel idea when the Metropass program began in 1998. But twenty years after its inception, the program is attracting an increasing number of companies eager to [...]
Bus Bus Rapid Transit E Line Minneapolis

Bus-only lanes to be piloted on Hennepin Avenue 

Posted by Drew Kerr | Thursday, May 10, 2018 2:33:00 PM
Bus customers who travel on Hennepin Avenue know traffic moves slowly when the street is full of vehicles. In fact, during rush hour, buses travel an average of just six miles per hour. Exploring ways to provide faster, more reliable service, [...]
Awards Bicycle Bus Metropass Minneapolis

Commuter Choice Awards recognize promoters of sustainable transportation 

Posted by Drew Kerr | Wednesday, May 2, 2018 1:40:00 PM
When Thrivent Financial began considering building a new corporate center in downtown Minneapolis, the company had to find ways of helping employees who relied on parking lots that would be lost during construction. Part of their answer: [...]
Minneapolis Transit Police

Sincerity, soft touch earns officer top cop honors 

Posted by Drew Kerr | Wednesday, March 28, 2018 1:37:00 PM
Growing up, Tim Lawrence often used his stature to stand up to bullies. He went to school to become a teacher. And one of the first jobs he took was as a skycap, traveling and interacting with people from around the world. The experiences didn’t [...]
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