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Posts in Category: METRO Green Line

METRO Green Line St. Paul Station Spotlight

Car-free and creative at Raymond Avenue Station 

| Tuesday, May 27, 2014 12:00:00 AM
When David Needham and his wife Alyscia moved from San Francisco to Minneapolis in 2013, they didn’t think they’d be able to sustain their car-free life. Eight months later, they drove south to visit family in Texas, left their car behind and [...]
METRO Green Line St. Paul Station Spotlight

Past and present converge at Victoria Street Station 

| Tuesday, May 20, 2014 12:00:00 AM
Sam Hayat opened his first car repair shop on University Avenue nearly 30 years ago. After struggling to sustain the business, he tried making a go of it at locations in south Minneapolis, Bloomington and Brooklyn Park. A year ago, he returned to [...]
Bicycle Bus Community METRO Green Line Safety Transit Police

Transit Police on board and on bike 

| Monday, May 5, 2014 12:00:00 AM
When Sgt. Leo Castro is on patrol in St. Paul, he doesn’t need to roll down the window to get fresh air. That’s because he’s clipped into the pedals of a Cannondale mountain bike, traveling the streets on a pair of 26-inch wheels to monitor busy [...]
Bus METRO Green Line Route of the Week St. Paul University of Minnesota

Route 87: Connecting the University of Minnesota to University Avenue 

| Monday, April 14, 2014 8:27:00 AM
JB Shank sat aboard Route 87, laptop open, putting the finishing touches on a presentation he was due to deliver later that day. A history professor at the University of Minnesota, Shank said he frequently brings his computer out on the bus and [...]
METRO Green Line Minneapolis Station Spotlight University of Minnesota

Getting to the game and more on the Green Line 

| Tuesday, April 8, 2014 12:00:00 AM
When the cost of gas skyrocketed in 2008, Wally Widlund and his wife decided to make a change. The couple sold their car and relocated from south Minneapolis to Prospect Park, nearer to work at the University of Minnesota. The decision to go [...]
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