Good Question
Service Changes
Posted by Drew Kerr |
Tuesday, November 22, 2022 8:51:00 AM
In November, more than 90 people attended hiring events to apply and interview for bus operator positions – the most activity we’ve seen at events like these in more than two years.
This is a hopeful sign that interest in becoming a bus
Good Question
Light Rail
Posted by Drew Kerr |
Friday, February 1, 2019 9:05:00 AM
Light rail vehicles weigh around 100,000 pounds each. So the steel tracks they operate on have to be sturdy and well maintained.
To ensure light rail tracks are in good order, Metro Transit’s track maintainers regularly walk end-to-end looking
Good Question
Posted by John Komarek |
Thursday, January 24, 2019 12:33:00 PM
What is METRO BRT?
BRT stands for Bus Rapid Transit. It’s a bus service that provides fast, frequent service that eliminates the need for a schedule. METRO refers to any lines that provide this type of service, including light rail.
Good Question
Posted by John Komarek |
Monday, November 26, 2018 2:58:00 PM
Transit terminology can at times be difficult to decipher. The terms route, trip and segment are among those that can be confusing. Here's an explanation of how these terms should be used:
Isn’t it just called a trip when I take
Good Question
Light Rail
Winter Weather
Posted by Marisa Helms |
Thursday, November 16, 2017 10:26:00 AM
When the cold weather hits the metro area, customers who wait at hundreds of bus shelters and rail platforms have access to on-demand heaters that allow push-button activation when the temperature drops to 40 degrees Fahrenheit or colder.