After working several retail jobs and as an overnight security guard in north Minneapolis, Mark Johnson finally decided to apply to Metro Transit. "My then brother-in-law was an operator and kept telling me that I should become a bus operator," Johnson said. "33 years later, I'm glad I did. I'm so grateful for the opportunity to work for the company."
A 21-year-old Johnson began at the old Snelling Garage on Sept. 17, 1987. As a born-and-bred St. Paulite who grew up in the Dale-University neighborhood, Snelling was a great location. But soon after he was reassigned to Nicollet and Heywood. Johnson eventually made it back to old Snelling Garage and stayed there until it closed. He spent the rest of his career at East Metro.
Driving Route 65, he made plenty of friends with customers who sat nearby in the "peanut seat" and opened up to him. He relished the chance to listen, smile and offer encouragement. "I wouldn't say much -- they would do most of the talking," he said.
Being a bus operator also allowed Johnson to build a life of his own. With good pay and benefits, he was able to buy a house and raise five children. In retirement, he now plans to spend more time with those children and grandchildren, and to practice ministry full-time. "I plan to keep in touch with all the friends I've made onboard during my time at Metro Transit," he said. "It's helped show me my purpose in life to be able to help others."