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Guidelines for Carpoolers

Thank you for sharing the ride!

Before you register a carpool or vanpool, please make sure you meet the guidelines below.

Formal registration of a carpool by Metro Transit or its partners qualifies the carpool and its participants for benefits, including Guaranteed Ride Home program enrollment, as well as legal qualification for participating employees and employers in some government-approved tax benefits. As a result, registration carries a responsibility for administrators to screen and approve carpool applicants based on these guidelines:

  1. Carpools must consist of two or more adults commuting from the same general area to the same general area in one vehicle three or more days per week.
  2. Parking facilities or employers may specify additional requirements (more than two commuters, employees only, specific routes, etc.) to qualify for preferred parking at their facilities.
  3. Passengers must a) live near the driver, b) be on the driver’s route to the destination or c) be able to meet in a location that does not significantly increase the distance that anyone must travel to reach their destination. All carpoolers must ride together for at least 50 percent of the distance of the person living farthest from the destination.
  4. Carpools whose members each drive several miles from different directions and meet near their destination to ride in one vehicle are not eligible.
  5. Exceptions to these guidelines may be made on a case-by-case basis and will only be considered, when necessary, due to special needs for daycare or for commuters with disabilities. Written verification from a daycare provider or medical professional may be required.
  6. Carpoolers may be registered on only one carpool parking permit at a time.
  7. These are general guidelines for carpool participation and may be changed or updated without notice.

> Register/Renew a Carpool